
2013 CQJP Rules

The Crazy Quilt Journal Project is about promoting the art of crazy quilting and expanding the participant’s individual artistic creativity and technical knowledge.

So, the rules for the 2013 CQJP Challenge are simple:

Registration is from 1 November 2012 until 12 December 2012. Links to Participants blogs will be posted to the CQJP2013 website home page as during the last few days of December 2012.

Project Planning and Block Construction can begin no earlier than November 2012 to be considered a valid CQJP 2013 Project.

Construct and complete a crazy quilt block each month (January through December) in 2013 that measures at least equivalent to a 6-inch square block. Blocks can be any shape…and do not have to be square…but must be “equivalent” to a 6” square (i.e  36 square inches, or 225 square cm in size). Blocks can be larger, but not smaller. Block shapes can change throughout the year.

Blocks can include any type fabric(s). Blocks can include as many different fabrics as you desire.

Blocks can include any form of embellishment you desire.

Blocks should challenge your individual skills. Work to expand your artistic views and improve your technical skills.


Photographs should be of high quality…please do not “reduce” your photo size before sending. Please do not use a low quality of resolution when taking the photograph, we will publish what is sent…and cannot “make it better”. We will crop photographs when needed.

Participants will email photographs for posting on the CQJP 2013 Block each month. The email address for submissions is:

Participants that complete the challenge will have their photographs also added to the permanent CQJP Blog for the year the challenge was completed. (CQJP2012, CQJP2013, etc)

Posting entries is arduous when there are large numbers of emails submitted at once, so your help is requested. Please try to follow these guidelines to keep the posts manageable:

n    April 2013 – Photos of 3 completed blocks submitted to CQJP 2012 Blog
n    August 2013 – Photos of 7 completed blocks submitted to CQJP 2012 Blog
n    December 2013 – Photos of 11 completed blocks submitted to CQJP 2012 Blog

Participants are encouraged to also set individual goals so that the work does not get overwhelming, and discouraging.

COMMUNICATION: All participants can comment on the CQJP 2013 Blog photos as they are published. Everyone needs encouragement!

COPYRIGHT: Participants and the general public do not have permission to “retrieve” any photos from the blog as all images are copyrighted by their creator.


  1. Are we to submit photos or a photo of the block each month or only submit them in April/Aug./Dec.?
    Or is it that I am to email/submit in photos each month and post to a blog in April/Aug./Dec.?
    That part was confusing to me, I need a little clarification. Thanks :)

  2. Melissa,

    Submit photos as an email attachment to: as you finish each block. Hopefully, that will be every month. But, if you get behind...the April, August, and December dates are another little "push" to get you on track. Sometimes it is just too hard to get a block done every month...but if we delay too long...we sometimes just give up. These "milestones" are little goals for when we get too sluggish.

    Hope this clears things up. Thanks for the question!


  3. I have been eagerly waiting to sign up for 2013 and I just sent all the info. Thank you so much and I look forward to the challenge:) Hugs Marilou

    1. Soooo happy to see that you've signed up for 2013 - it will be lot of fun - each block is a leanring experience!

      PS - Am felling lots better!

  4. Kathy- Looking forward to another fun year - I'm so glad I joined this year and actually have work to show for it. Your new buttons for next year are gorgeous!

  5. I am excited to be part of the 2013 CQJP. I looked on in wistful awe during 2012. Judy in MS

  6. I look forward to another year too!

    1. Hi Karrin. I am thinking about joing and have enjoyed seeing your blocks every month. xo

  7. Forgive me if I'm being dense, but I don't quite understand what's meant by the '3 blocks in/by April' etc. Could you please clarify? I'm a complete newbie to CQ and thinking of joining in to get me going with it, so the challenge and it's admin is fairly new too.

    Many thanks for your hard work!

    1. Elizabeth,

      Please see the answer to this above in my previous comment. Thanks.


  8. Oh, something else (assuming that the first Q&A on these comments doesn't answer my first!!), you mentioned about copyright and I couldn't agree more. Can you please confirm that this blog has the 'nopin' meta tag inserted?

  9. Kathy thanks for doing this I am thinking about joining but have just learned loving it and even did a blog for our classmates of Pat Winters. I have looked at all the squares all along and thinking this would be good for me to strech my wings on Cq. Thoughts my dear ? xo

    1. Annette,

      One of the great things about this challenge is that you can do a little or a lot...because it is for you. Your own personal taste can be explored and your talents pushed if you want. Or you can create a simple project just because you've been wanting to "finish" something. All skill levels and all types of styles are welcome. So, what do I think? I think everyone who love crazy quilting should just jump on board! Every stitch that we put out there for others to see has the power to inspire someone!

    2. Thanks Kathy sounds good to me. It will make me explore more and you are great for answering me. Hugs and off to sign up. xoxo

  10. Elizabeth,

    I went to Pinterest and got the code you mentioned and inserted it into the Blogger Template and inserted it as a gadget. I can not tell that it made any difference. If someone chooses to disregard the copyright notice we have on our blog page and pin an image, I believe that there is always a way for them to do it. My personal belief is that once you put an image in digital form on any website, there is a way for someone to "get it" if they want it bad enough. We publish the rules and I'll add a copyright statement to the sidebar...but can not guarantee the photos won't be acquired by folks that want them bad enough. If you plan on publishing your work later on or just don't want it shared, the only real way you can prevent this is by not posting your photos anywhere.

    1. Oh you are so right Kathy. There is even a program called snagit and it will get anything off of the internet photo wise. I was a professional photographer for 24 years and if they want it they will get it. I just like to see others work for pure inspiration I don't know how someone could "copy" somone work totally anyway. Your personality and creativity always comes thru and there is nothing new under the sun anyway. Be it stitches, colors or pretties you put on a piece of art. Same way with the photos, but those people would print them off so they wouldn't have to buy them, not caring that the quality was awful. Oh well that is life. I know I am not a memeber here but dealing with the copyright for years I just had to say something. xo

    2. True! Still, I like to make it as difficult as I can for someone to pinch my photos!! I'm sure the meta tag is just fine, thanks for that! Hardly anyone has managed to pin a photo from my blog since I inserted it there.=)

  11. ok, now I am getting excited about joining up. I see a few of my classmates from Pat Winters class on here. Looks like we all caught the CQ bug. Can't wait to get started. Thanks for the opportunity.

  12. I have never made a Crazy Quilt block before, and I think now is the time to start!! With the inspiration gained from 2012 members and deadlines to meet I feel ready to embark on this challenge!

  13. Yes,I can !
    Thanks for this opportunity. I'm so glad to be part of the CGJP 2013.
    Cathy to France

  14. I will be participating again for 2013. I'm glad to see some familiar names in the comments of others that have signed up! Thanks Kathy

  15. Great idea! I enjoy your project all this year and with great pleasure try to take part in new CQJP-2013!

  16. Hi Kathy, thanks to the team for organizing a great 2012 of CQ-ing.
    It has been a pleasure to see so many lovely and interesting entries and know lots of ladies have begun crazy quilting. I love the 'no rules' of CQ.

    Thanks too for extending this project for 2013. I will be joining in and am looking forward to the fun of another year.

  17. As Kate mentioned above, I also have never made a crazy quilt. Mainly 9 patch in fabric or a few small embroidered pieces. Now on the hand, I crochet a mean granny afghan. I am intriqued with crazy quilting and will join the CQ-2013 if for nothing elsethan to expand my creativity. Looking forward to stitching and learning.

  18. A few weeks ago, I was given a dozen hankies by my dear friend who is ninety four years old that belonged to her mother, who was born in 1879. She wants a crazy quilt made out of them. My, my. Guess what I said? I said ok. Can you believe I said that? Do I need my head examined or what? Then today I came across your group of CQ and this month-by-month challenge, and this I can do. I am looking forward to the group encouragement and learning and doing! How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time, I'm told. Here's to my elephant this year.

    1. Hi Lois... what a great gift, the opportunity to play with really old vintage hankies! I suggest you look up Cindy Brick's 'Hanky Panky' book. She layers and layers, embellishes, and creates amazing little wall hangings.
      Have fun!

  19. Think the hardest challenge for me is trying to understand the computing side and then I can enjoy the crazy patch challenge. Setting up a google account is one step in next years learning curve.

  20. I am glad I will not be the only newbie to CQ in the group! I have several books on CQ and Judith Montano's dvd but haven't attempted a quilt yet. This is the perfect group to get the juices flowing. Looking forward to this project.

  21. I am glad I will not be the only newbie to CQ in the group! I have several books on CQ and Judith Montano's dvd but haven't attempted a quilt yet. This is the perfect group to get the juices flowing. Looking forward to this project.

  22. Love this chalane, last year I made 4 crazy quilt 10" blocks and loved doing them. I was awed by all the creative energy on thissite . I plan to follow along and hope to join in next year. :-)

  23. Hi Kathy, thanks to the team for organizing a great 2012 of CQ-ing.
